What you should know…

Waiawa products are not a medical substitute and they are not guaranteed to cure any ailments. Always consult with your health practitioner. Any specific disclaimers or cautions are advised in each product’s description.  

Given many of our products contain Kawakawa (Macropiper excelsum), please note that some people can be allergic to this plant and we ask you to exercise caution before purchasing.  Before using our products, please test them on a small patch of your skin, such as the back of your wrist to see how your skin reacts.


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Te Hīkoi Rongoā at Pūkaha

Tuesday to Friday From 10am

Embark on a captivating 1.5-hour guided tour that delves into the wisdom of Māori wellness. Join experienced local rongoā Mãori practitioner, Tracey Kereopa, on a mesmerizing exploration of the healing properties of our endemic plants in the stunning Pūkaha forest.

Book online or contact the visitor centre via the links below.

Best Seller

Ngahere Moisturiser
$ 22.50 NZD 
Kawakawa Balm
$ 15.00 NZD 

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